Our Main Partnership

West Willamette Restoration Partnership [LINK].

Lush moss


We will be networking with as many of these folks as are willing, and provide any statements of support here.

These are in addition to government agencies: Metro, PP&R, BES.

Friends of River View Natural Area joined The Intertwine, in June 2015.

West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District [LINK].

Trust for Public Land [LINK].

Willamette Riverkeeper [LINK].

Willamette Riverkeeper Programs [LINK].

Extensive list of Willamette Riverkeeper partners [LINK].

Audubon Society (Portland chapter) [LINK].

Urban Greenspace Institute [LINK].
UGI is run by Mike Houck, formerly of Audubon.

Oregon Environmental Council [LINK].
OEC advocates for consumer issues, but they also work on climate and clean water issues.

Tryon Creek Watershed Council [LINK].

The Johnson Creek Watershed Council [LINK].
Johnson Creek Watershed is just across the Willamette River.

Groups listed in Wild in the City

1000 Friends of Oregon [LINK].

Nature Conservancy of Oregon [LINK].

Columbia Land Trust [LINK].

Other Potential Partners

BARK (Mt Hood defenders) [LINK].

Lewis & Clark College biology department professor(s) [LINK].

River View Cemetery [LINK].

Local Stewardship

Facebook Page for Riverview Natural Area Conservation Project . Set up by a concerned citizen.