About Friends of RVNA

Candy Flower or Siberian Miner's Lettuce. Claytonia sibirica, form: Montia sibirica


FoRVNA is the official Stewardship Partner with Portland Parks & Recreation (Aka City Nature West). You can read the Agreement [HERE].

Friends of RVNA Mission Statement

Friends of River View Natural Area is a grassroots initiative to restore and protect the natural habitat, wetlands and seven streams in River View Natural Area. Through community effort and responsible stewardship, we strive to keep intact the interior forest habitat and to promote low-impact trails in observance of the 2011 Conservation Easement Agreement.

Our Motto: Renew, Restore, and Conserve

Renew — RVNA was highly disturbed and degraded for many decades. We have a new vision of RVNA as a pure Natural Area unscarred by human abuse.

Restore — We are committed to returning RVNA to its long-ago pristine beauty through the very hard work of restoration over many, many years.

Conserve — Conserving RVNA as an unblemished Natural Area in perpetuity represents Portland's unswerving commitment to being the greenest city in America. Limiting human impact and keeping it open to passive activities like education, research and nature observation will remain a delicate balancing act.

The Friends of RVNA

We are a group of about a dozen people who are committed to Nature restoration and conservation at River View Natural Area. We were surprised to find that some members were targeted by our critics who see narrow recreational interests as the central issue. Some members have faced tense confrontations and felt personally threatened. For security reasons, we no longer publish our membership.

We invite constructive dialog with people we trust. Feel free to contact us with questions or concerns: [EMAIL]

Links below also appear on our Home Page


A working list of NGO Groups that support watersheds and wildlife.


We have a number of issues to deal with in RVNA. Park Rangers can't do it all.