
We have a number of issues in RVNA. We can help the Parks Rangers. We can also be informed of what Parks department staff are doing in RVNA.

No Dogs Allowed. This means you Fido.

Invasive Species

Garlic Mustard and Irish (not English!) Ivy are two of the worst!

Here is a great fact sheet about garlic mustard: [LINK]

10/2-4/2024Tree Ivy, Ground Ivy, Weeds. Herbicides Treatment

The city is planning to conduct more vegetation maintenance work at River View Natural Area on October 2, 3 and 4. They will be working with their regular forest management contractor, R. Franco Restoration, to hand cut tree ivy and treat ground ivy and other weeds with herbicide. This work will take place throughout the entire site, as a continuation of implementing the River View Natural Area Management Plan. Either Marshall Johnson or Bee Sinichko will be on site with the contractor each day.


ADVISORY! Localized Spraying in River View Natural Area, MONDAY May 13, 2024

It is well into our annual garlic mustard management season, and City Nature West will have a crew coming through the Natural Area on Monday, May 13th, to do some spot spray treatment, and hand pulling.

City staff Marshall Johnson will be on site with the crew. Signage will be posted at the trailheads and along the roadsides around the work areas. (This action was deferred one week due to rain.)

From Marshall, Natural Resource Ecologist: "We use two different herbicides that are approved for use in natural areas like River View - one is Aquaneat which is a glyphosate product. The other one is Vastlan, which is a triclopyr product."

Factoid: 0.325 gallons of herbicide was used for spraying the garlic mustard at River View on Monday.

We use a diluted mix of mostly water and small amount of herbicide. It is 2.6% herbicide (Aquaneat 1% and Vastlan 1.6%) and thus 97.4% water. Total of that mix used on the garlic mustard at River View yesterday was 12.5 gallons, containing 0.325 gallons of herbicide.


Janelle St. Pierre, Portland Parks natural resource ecologist and her assistant were sighted at RVNA. She works with Kendra Peterson-Morgan (Not pictured).


This from Kendra: The spray work that we were conducting yesterday (5/21/15) was extremely selective and focused on garlic mustard which is limited in its distribution throughout the site. There are a few plants and small patches in about 10-15 different locations throughout the park. As part of our practice to try to control this species we visit all known infestations twice during the treatment window. Our work yesterday was the second visit to the site and included spray work and some hand removal. This treatment will be our last for the season.

We always post signs at all entry points during spray work and those signs stay in place until the chemical is dry. The reentry period is once the chemical is dry so there is no need to avoid the natural area at this point in time. During the spray work we ask that people stay on trail, refrain from contacting the treated weeds (a marker that is blue is used so that the treated areas are evident) and as always adhere to our park rules which include keeping your dog on leash. Our spray treatment consists of using a diluted mix of water and 2% triclopyr (Element 3A). Glyphosate is not used in this particular treatment although it is a component of our work when we are targeting ivy and other invasive species.

MOTO bikes on trails!

On Friday, Jan 25, 2019 around 1:40pm, two young men were seen riding gas-powered MONSTER MOTO scooters in RVNA. They came out of RVNA onto Palatine.

Two MOTO Bike Riders..

A neighbor managed to get photos of the boys, the trailer used to transport the bikes, and their car license plate. There is a 'Cascade Bikes' sticker on rear window.

More MOTO Riders
Impressive Trailer
Cascade Bikes rack?

These photos were sent to Parks staff, and Park Rangers were dispatched to RVNA to check for signs of damage/misuse.

Section D of Portland's Title 20 Code (20.12.170 Use of Certain Devices or Equipment.) includes the phrase: No person shall operate any motorized vehicle or motorized wheeled vehicle or motorized wheeled device in any Park.... More to the point, the trails in River View Natural Area are for pedestrian use only.

In the future, please contact the Park Ranger office to report such violations! Ranger Call Center: (503) 823-1639 or

The rider with pink Nike shoes is shown here on his B105 MOSTER MOTO bike. MOTO bikes cost $500. The riders have been back several times.

Pike Nike SHoes?

More MOTO bikes, on pavement anyway!

On July 1, 2019, just before 9PM, two new guys on different MOTOs were seen cruising around Brugger and Palatine. One rider had a helmet, the other didn't. One was seen entering RVNA! Evidently that's what these MONSTER MOTO bikes are 'good' for?

MOTO Biker on 1st of July 1! 2019.

Non-Pedestrian use of Trails

Trails are posted for pedestrian use only. Bikers continue to ride in RVNA, but such trail poaching and construction has sharply decreased in 2016. These photos were taken May 2015, and April 2019. You can go in just about any day in nice weather and see for yourself.

bikers on 5-19-2015
Bikers on 4-30-2019
Bikers on 4-27-2019

If you see bikers in RVNA, do not engage or confront them — They know they are not supposed to be riding bikes in RVNA. You may report such sightings in person to Park Rangers Dispatch at (503) 823-1637.

Dog Walkers

Walking a dog (on-lease or off) in RVNA can lead to a warning, fine, or exclusion. Parks Rangers enforce this rule throughout the parks system except at RVNA, due to lack of available, assigned rangers.

Older Issues

We can't put all our issues on one page — Too depressing! Here is a page of issues that we have demoted because the issues are long term, or have abated over the years:


Reporting Issues

New FYI items of non-urgent matter can be brought to our attention via our Contact email address. See our FAQ for 'Who you gonna call?' for live issues, such as illegal activity.